Our DEEDS Social groups across the City and district have been keeping their minds active with some fun Christmas crafting over recent weeks
The craic was great and lots of creativity and imagination used.
Happy Christmas to everyone!
Our DEEDS Social groups across the City and district have been keeping their minds active with some fun Christmas crafting over recent weeks
The craic was great and lots of creativity and imagination used.
Happy Christmas to everyone!
Our DEEDS Social groups across the City and district have been keeping their bodies and minds active with some fun competition during their boccia sessions.
The craic was great! More in the new year they say!
We’d like to say a huge thank you to Hive & everyone who came to the Men’s Health Event!
There was such a lovely buzz in the room and so many great conversations taking place.
Great support to from community partners from Compassionate Communities NI ARC Fitness – Addiction Recovery Coaching, Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum & @PIPS Suicide Prevention.
Well done HIVE on a great event and in particular Martin for all his energy and effort
The event made possible with the partnerships from everyone below with a particular mention to the Executive Office Communities in Transition programme for supporting with funding to enable the event to happen.
Missing is Ryan from Sean Dolans Gac the photo was taken when he popped out for a minute.
Thank you to our community partners at:
Sean Dolans GAC
Creggan Neighbourhood Partnership
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum
Rio Ferdinand Foundation
Diolain Ward @Trojans
Arc Fitness – Addiction Recovery Coaching
Beechwood Barbers
North West Youth Service
Congratulations to Caiden Jordan for winning the penalty shootout competition facilitated by Sean from Rio foundation and supported by Trojans.
The lads engaged well this evening and took part in everything on offer and Glen Hinds had them all captivated while discussing a few things relevant to their lives. We all learnt a new techniques if we get overwhelmed
Take Care and talk!
Holy Child Primary School unites in celebration of International Men’s Day
‘Dads and Lads’ event to mark International Men’s Day and it was a great success!
It was fabulous for the boys to take part in an event with all the positive male role models in their lives.
Thank you to all the dads, grandads, uncles. cousins, significant males in our boy’s lives who took part, it was a great day for our school community.
A huge thank you to Eamon from Sean Dolans Gac who hosted the event, we are so lucky to have such an amazing facility at the heart of our community.
It was a pleasure to attended the event to inform everyone about all on all the fantastic health programmes we run for the community.
Its that time of year again and I know we are all drawn to pleas for children and families less fortunate than ourselves who need a helping hand at Christmas Time
I personally struggle every year which charity or toy drive to support but this year have chosen to launch ‘Gifts from the Angels’. This is something very close to my own heart and perhaps can open a little avenue for parents and families who have experienced loss of a child or baby to help make another child’s Christmas that little bit better
This idea is borne out of and dedicated to the generosity and kindness of three lovely ladies (sisters, originally from Creggan) who contacted me last year to donate gifts for local children who we know may not have any or a lot of presents under the tree to be given in memory of their daughter, niece and granddaughter who have passed away. This touching, thoughtful act really resonated with me as I know it often is so difficult to celebrate Christmas in the same way ever again when there is a loss of a child/baby in the family. I normally buy a soft toy and place on my daughters grave each year, only to remove it soiled and weather beaten in January so its giving me an opportunity to spoil a little girl in her honour.
This is an open invitation for anyone who has experienced or been affected by baby/child loss to buy a toy or make a donation in their memory.
Drop off dates, 27th November – 15th December and there will be a ribbon and card for you to write your loved ones name and place on the memory tree. If you wish to wrap it, please label it with age, boy/girl and bring to Sharon at OLT and place under the tree
Fancy a cinema screening of the most iconic Christmas Movie EVER?
Your GP Practice is offering this FREE experience to local people – get in touch with your GP Social work team and find out how to register
The GOAL for Our Loving Life Living Longer programme is to provide opportunities for people over 50 to improve their health and mental wellbeing.
If you enjoy football and have been looking for an excuse to lace the trainers back up, then get in touch for a game of walking football.
We meet Wednesdays 11am Bishops field indoor hall
contact Jonathan 71373870 or jonathan@olt.ie
Thank you to The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland & all #NationalLotteryPlayers for supporting our work & this community!