Author: Julie White

Family Hub program off to great start !

Week 2 of Parenting Anxious Kids Programme

Our parents are enjoying taking part in this week’s workshop focusing on ‘How to model non-anxious behaviour’ while the kids had activities supported by SureStart Edenballymore staff.

This program is being delivered in conjunction with The Right Time, The Right Place Project, @BBHF Already looking forward to next week’s session!

Ladies Social Netball

Want to get back into netball?

Join us every Wednesday night at 6pm at the Bishops Field Sports Centre on central Drive or for more information contact Julie White.

Back to School Timetable

Exercise option available for the month of September

Walking group, Boxercise, spinning, circuits, Body tone, Yoga. Booking required. £3 per class or £15 for the month.


Better Days ahead

Pain support programme returns

The Old Library Trust in partnership with the Healthy Living Centre Alliance once again will role out the award winning ever popular Better days pain management programme to residents living in Creggan and the surrounding areas.

This programme supports people to self manage their pain and live better and happier lives. Topic covered include Sleep, self care, relaxation, breathing techniques and advice from health professionals.

If interested contact Pete for information on how to join up

Men’s Health is back

Our Men’s health programme is back! Still places available!

Are you male aged 18+ and would like to make the first steps towards getting into a better health and wellbeing lifestyle?

Come along to the Old Library Trusts Men’s health initiative supported by the Neighbourhood Health improvement project and take part in activity tailored to suit your needs. Activities include health checks, weigh ins, circuit training, spinning, dander ball, football, golfing and much more.

Contact Jonathan or Pete for more information

Summer Fun Feile 2022

Bus Run, Bingo & Dance!

Over 200 local residents took part in one or more of a trio of social events organised by the team at the Old Library Trust over the month of August as part of the Gasyard Wall Feile celebrations.

A trip down memory lane to Buncrana for a walk at Swan Park and a ‘Pink and white’. A community bingo hosted by our own Micheal Doherty and an evening of food entertainment and dancing at the City Hotel to finish it all off.

Well done everyone and that you to everyone that made it all possible

Thank you Project SPARKS!

A shout out to our young people from Project SPARKS who took the time out to help with a clean up of the Healthy Living Centre. Over the summer months a lot of unwanted writing and images were appearing on the walls of the building and these young people in partnership with St. Marys Youth Club took time out to repaint the external walls of the building. They also appealed to all young people across the area to think before they write or draw.

Much appreciated!

Long term condition management group going from strength to strength

Do you live in Creggan or the surrounding areas? Do you have a long term condition? Would you like support?

This is the group for you! Daily sessions of exercise, mindfulness, health eating and social activities all helping to improve your quality of life. Have a look at some of our group members smiley faces!

If interested contact Jonathan at the Old Library Trust for information on how to join up

Funding success for the DEEDS Project

The Old Library Trust DEEDS Project that supports people living with Dementia and their families to live better for longer within their own communities will benefit from the recent funding announcement and award of Nearly £500,000 to continue to provide vital programmes and services to residents living across the Derry City and Strabane District Council area up until September 2025

The National Lottery Community fund announced over £5.8 million to 134 projects across Northern Ireland of which the Creggan Charity is one. Project Director George McGowan was delighted that the National Lottery Community Fund and all those that play the National Lottery have been able to continue to support such an important service.

He commented, “The last three years has been really difficult for everyone. However the impact on our older generation and particularly those living with dementia and their families has been extremely challenging. We are delighted that we are able to continue to provide vital support across the city and district to ensure that individuals and families do not feel that they are on their own”

If you or anyone you are close too is would like advice, support or guidance with their Dementia journey then please get in touch with a member of the DEEDS team at the Old Library Trust.