Funding success for the DEEDS Project
19 September 2022
The Old Library Trust DEEDS Project that supports people living with Dementia and their families to live better for longer within their own communities will benefit from the recent funding announcement and award of Nearly £500,000 to continue to provide vital programmes and services to residents living across the Derry City and Strabane District Council area up until September 2025
The National Lottery Community fund announced over £5.8 million to 134 projects across Northern Ireland of which the Creggan Charity is one. Project Director George McGowan was delighted that the National Lottery Community Fund and all those that play the National Lottery have been able to continue to support such an important service.
He commented, “The last three years has been really difficult for everyone. However the impact on our older generation and particularly those living with dementia and their families has been extremely challenging. We are delighted that we are able to continue to provide vital support across the city and district to ensure that individuals and families do not feel that they are on their own”
If you or anyone you are close too is would like advice, support or guidance with their Dementia journey then please get in touch with a member of the DEEDS team at the Old Library Trust.