New DEEDS Training Begins with the Tuned In Project
19 April 2023

Sabrina and Sinead were joined by the amazing Alison Bristow – a Learning Disability Dementia Nurse WHSCT to present their new training to the lovely people at the Tuned In Project. Tuned In uses the digital and creative arts, media and music to support people with Learning Disabilities to build independence, skills and confidence. DEEDS presented what it is like to have dementia and about communication including an experiential element within the workshop. Alison enhanced this by focusing on learning disability and dementia and presented on why those with learning disabilities are more likely to develop dementia as well as what to look out for specifically and how then to make a referral. The group were wonderful, enthusiastic and well engaged in the process. Feedback was brilliant and the door is open for more engagement for staff on this topic going forward.