Local Councillors Learn About Dementia at DEEDS Guildhall Workshop
23 April 2024
The DEEDS team from the Old Library Trust were in the Guildhall this week educating the city and district’s Mayor and local councillors in the Dementia Immersive Experience Tier 1 Programme.
The successful workshop was held to help the councillors “walk in the shoes of someone with dementia” and understand how it affects the person as well as their families and completed the training with information on the services that are available in the Derry and Strabane area.
This was one of many successful DEEDS training events held over the past year which includes training the first-year nurses and paramedics at Ulster University which is held annually.
The Old Library Trust’s DEEDS (Dementia Engaged and Empowered in Derry and Strabane) Programme supports people with dementia within the city and district to live well for longer within their own communities by giving them opportunities to be social, become active and engage in community life. Key projects such as social groups and activity groups help to extend quality of support to those living with and experiencing dementia and their families thanks to support from the National Lottery Community Fund.
Delighted with the success on Monday evening, the Old Library Trust’s Sinead Devine (DEEDS Co-ordinator) described the event as a very successful two-hours ‘experiential workshop’ and said she was delighted with the uptake from so many councillors across the city and district that took time out of their busy schedule to attend.
‘We were absolutely delighted with the turnout. All the councillors were active in their participation of the workshops and followed up with questions looking for more information. Indeed, it was wonderful to see the Mayor Patricia Logue also take part. Last year the council passed a unanimous motion to support dementia awareness training for council staff so it great to see Monday’s event highlighting and reinforcing our Council’s commitment to a Dementia Friendly City and District.’
In a final address to the local councillors at Monday’s event, the DEEDS co-ordinator Sinead Devine stressed that everyone, not just those in attendance, should look for the early signs of dementia among their older family members and loved ones, adding: ‘Maybe you have noticed a loved one with memory issues. Or have a family member with a recent diagnosis and need to know what support is out there. Maybe you are caring for someone with dementia and need support for yourself. I sincerely hope this evening’s event served as an ideal opportunity to see what services are available to you and your loved one. There is help out there. Please don’t feel you’re alone’
Anyone looking for further information should contact Sinead at 02871 373870 during working hours, Monday-Friday.