Gifts of the Angels Initiative by the Family Support Hub
7 December 2023
Its that time of year again and I know we are all drawn to pleas for children and families less fortunate than ourselves who need a helping hand at Christmas Time
I personally struggle every year which charity or toy drive to support but this year have chosen to launch ‘Gifts from the Angels’. This is something very close to my own heart and perhaps can open a little avenue for parents and families who have experienced loss of a child or baby to help make another child’s Christmas that little bit better
This idea is borne out of and dedicated to the generosity and kindness of three lovely ladies (sisters, originally from Creggan) who contacted me last year to donate gifts for local children who we know may not have any or a lot of presents under the tree to be given in memory of their daughter, niece and granddaughter who have passed away. This touching, thoughtful act really resonated with me as I know it often is so difficult to celebrate Christmas in the same way ever again when there is a loss of a child/baby in the family. I normally buy a soft toy and place on my daughters grave each year, only to remove it soiled and weather beaten in January so its giving me an opportunity to spoil a little girl in her honour.
This is an open invitation for anyone who has experienced or been affected by baby/child loss to buy a toy or make a donation in their memory.
Drop off dates, 27th November – 15th December and there will be a ribbon and card for you to write your loved ones name and place on the memory tree. If you wish to wrap it, please label it with age, boy/girl and bring to Sharon at OLT and place under the tree